Toxic Water and Water Contamination Solutions

Information, Tests and Solutions to Improve Your Health and Water Quality.

Quick and reliable heavy metal testing is achieved
with the
 Heavy Metal Screening Test.

The Heavy Metal Screening Test:

Heavy Metal Testing is quick Easy heavy metal testing can be performed at home with quick and reliable results
Obtains a base line for toxic heavy metal concentration in your body and water using urine, saliva, drinking water and bath water

Tracks your body's detoxification/chelation capacity over time as you detoxify 

Objective, heavy metal testing with scientifically proven test procedure validated for over 60 years

heavy metal test comparison chart

You can use the Heavy Metal Screening Test to monitor:

Water – including drinking, bottled, distilled, bath, shower, pool, hot tub and spa

Food, dust and paint

Heavy Metal Screening Test identifies the following metals:

Mercury toxicity
Lead toxicity
Copper toxicity
Zinc toxicity
Cadmium toxicity
Nickel toxicity

Bonus Offer - Free Report
Purchase your Heavy Metal Test and receive the free report Lowering Heavy Metal Toxicity. Discover effective ways to lower your toxic heavy metal levels. I use this report for each of my clients that have high levels of toxic heavy metals. 

Research Supporting Heavy Metal Test
The Heavy Metal Screening test is the world's first immediate method of screening the body for heavy metals. This is scientific test that is fast, easy to do and can be an early warning system for environmental hazards that can affect YOUR health.

The   Heavy Metal Screening Kit enables you to determine the presence of ionic toxic metals or how well your body can cope with the toxic heavy metal ions. Excessive heavy metals increase oxidative damage and displace essential minerals. Both of these effects can have serious consequences in your body.

The scientifically documented heavy metal testing allows the detection of free electrically active heavy metal ions in an aqueous solution by means of a simple procedure and in just a few minutes. This exploratory procedure, employed as a home test tube screening tool, is based on the dithizone reaction method which has been known to chemical science for more than 60 years.

Heavy Metal Test Samples 

The Heavy Metal Screening Test was developed by Nissen Medica Inc. as an easy, accurate, inexpensive home-based process to determine the presence of toxic heavy metals in your body and/or environment. The exploratory procedure is based on the dithizone reagent, which has been known to chemical science for more than 60 years.

Use of the Heavy Metal Screening Test is intended as an aid in understanding your body’s heavy metal detoxification capacities and may serve as an early indicator of heavy metal intoxication. Heavy Metal Screening Test identifies the following metals: mercury, lead, copper, zinc, cadmium and nickel.


The information and the test kit provided is for general educational purposes only. The test is not intended to replace advice from a competent and knowledgeable healthcare professional. If you are experiencing serious symptoms (nausea, vomiting, headaches, sweating, difficulty breathing, convulsions, and trembling) or you believe you have acute heavy metal poisoning, contact your health care provider immediately. Seek qualified healthcare advice for the treatment of any illness or disease.

The Heavy Metal Screening Test is designed to be an effective component of your comprehensive health regime. Used in concert with other therapies proven to minimize the effects of environmental pollution, Heavy Metals Screening Test allows you, the health conscious consumer, to accurately assess your wellness action plan and take control of your health! 


heavy metal testing kit information links

Click on the links below for additional information about heavy metal testing.

Heavy Metal Test
Heavy Metal Testing
Heavy Metal Urine Test Procedure
Water Heavy Metal Test Procedure
Heavy Metal Test Science
Purchase Heavy Metal Test

heavy metal testing kit information links

A summary of medical and scientific research using dithizone reagent follows:
1. H.J. Wichmann, Isolation and Determination of Traces of Metals. The Dithizone System. Food and Drug Administration,  U.S.  Department of Agriculture,Washington  , D.C; Industrial and Engineering Chemistry
2. Agarwal R, Behari JR. Screening for mercury in aqueous environmental samples and urine samples using thin layer chromatography. Water Environment Research 2007 Nov;79(12):2457-63.
3. Khan H, Ahmed MJ, Bhanger MI. A simple spectrophotometric determination of trace level mercury using 1,5-diphenylthiocarbazone solubilized in micelle. Analytical Sciences 2005 May;21(5):507-12.
4. Jackson MJ, Jones DA, Edwards RH, Swainbank IG, Coleman ML. Zinc homeostasis in man: studies using a new stable isotope-dilution technique. British Journal of Nutrition 1984 Mar;51(2):199-208.
5. Gonzalez-Fernandez E, Gonzalez Moreno P. Screening analysis for lead in whole blood and urine by Delves cup method using quality control samples. Comparison with the dithizone method. Industrial Health. 1983;21(2):91-105.
6. Tewari SN, Harpalani SP, Tripathi SS. Determination of thallium in autopsy tissues and body fluids by spectrophotometric technique. Mikrochim Acta. 1975;(1 Pt 1):13-8.
7. Wawschinek O. [Toxicologic analy
 sis of mercury in biological material. Extractive-photometric dithizone method] Arch Toxikol. 1972;29(2):107-15.
8. Goldberg DM, Clarke AD. Measurement of mercury in human urine. J Clin Pathol. 1970 Mar;23(2):178-84.
9. Kamm G. [Determination of lead in biological matter by double, direct extractive titration with dithizone], 
Z Klin Chem Klin Biochem. 1968 May;6(3): 182-5.
10. Troitskiĭ AA, Vertlib IG. [Quantitative determination of lead in the urine using the reaction with dithizone (modification of the method used by the Industrial Sanitation Laboratory of the Omsk Municipal Sanitation-Epidemiological Station)] Lab Delo. 1966;8:480-1
13. JACOBS MB, HERNDON J. Simplified one color dithizone method for lead in urine. Am  Ind   Hyg Assoc J. 1961 Oct;22:372-6
14. TRUHAUT R, BOUDENE C. [Micro determination of lead in the blood and in the urine by titration with dithizone.] Ann Biol Clin (Paris   ). 1959 Mar-Apr;17(3-4): 153-67
15. BESSMAN SP, LAYNE EC Jr. A rapid procedure for the determination of lead in blood or urine in the presence of organic chelating agents. J Lab Clin Med. 1955 Jan;45(1):159-66
16. ELKINS HB. Notes on determination of lead by dithizone method. AmInd  Hyg Assoc Q. 1953 Jun;14(2):109-12.

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 My Mission 

Provide you with accurate information, economical and effective tests
and products to evaluate your body and water for toxic metals and remove them if necessary.


Keith Bishop, Clincal Nutritionist, B.Sc. Pharmacy, Health Coach  

Keith D. Bishop
Clinical Nutritionist
B.Sc. Pharmacy
Health Coach© Accepts PayPal

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Click the map above to view the USGS Arsenic map. This map illustrates Arsenic concentrations found in at least 25% of ground-water samples within a moving 50 km radius map.

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